本來此blog的內容是我不時在facebook所寫的隨想之一,因此這不算是個影評blog,其實只是我看戲後的觀後感,內容不會太過organised,甚至可能會有點不著邊際! 我希望除了寫近來看的戲的感覺外,還會不時寫一些舊戲,尤其是一些我心中的經典或難忘戲!同時若時間許可的話,會寫一些與歌曲,甚至書本有關的東西!
2. 娛樂性豐富,無乜冷場!3. 兩大型男已經夠橕!4. 臨尾一次過解釋晒D疑團,當然有吃不消的感覺,混亂中就算犯駁都唔覺呀嘛,高招!5. 好喜歡整齣戲那些好dark的氣氛!6. 仲要講明有下集,吹咩!夠信心呀!7. 佢地唔止型,仲好charm,對白又精警!!!8. 隻狗好搶,我鍾意!
I fell in love with Jude Law again after seeing the movie.Watson deserves to have a more beautiful goodfriend, I guess!Ceci
So you must dying to see their next adventure!
I fell in love with Jude Law again after seeing the movie.
回覆刪除Watson deserves to have a more beautiful goodfriend, I guess!
So you must dying to see their next adventure!