"Careless Whisper"英國版封面
Song Title : Careless Whisper (1984)Released Date:
24 July 1984 (U.K.)
1 February 1985 (U.S.)
Written by George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley
Produced by George Michael
From the Album: Make It Big (1984)
"Make It Big"大碟英國版封面
1. 想起要為這歌寫blog是因為在與友人討論"信任與真相"的時候想起此歌的歌詞: "there's no comfort in the truth, pain is all you'll find"!
2. 這歌在我聽歌的生涯中有其極重要的地位,亦是我喜歡1984的其中一個原因,我在那年第一次聽到這首歌,即便深深愛上它!而亦由此歌開始,我認真的愛上聽英文歌,以前都是hit的就聽下,沒有怎樣留意英美樂壇,因此這歌對我來說是有象徵意義的!
"Careless Whisper" Single日版封面
3. 有些好歌聽得多就會開始厭倦又或者大大減低它的好聽程度,不過Careless Whisper對我來說仍是百聽不厭的好歌!
4. 當年WHAM!紅得很,這歌出現在他們最好賣的大碟"Make It Big"內,這歌亦把他們的音樂帶到另一層面!不說不知,原來這歌正式來說不是Wham!的歌,是George Michael的first solo single,只是放了在"Make It Big"的大碟!不過,最奇怪的是幾乎所有Wham!的歌也是George Michael寫的,反而此歌是與隊友Andrew Ridgeley合寫的!
"Make It Big"大碟美版封面
6. 那年香港也有三個改編版,日本也有西城秀樹改編!不過三個香港版其實詞也不是填得特別好,最多人識的應是梅艷芳的"夢幻的擁抱",不過我個人較喜歡蔡國權的"無心快語",也是最貼題,當然Anita唱歌的哀怨味道是無人能及!
7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-GNemQ0JTc&feature=related ("Careless Whisper" Live in China ----- 當年他們去中國開演唱會相當轟動,是首隊western pop group在中國開concert!)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5NWls13EXA ("夢幻的擁抱" live by 梅艷芳)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzHJyp6-nOM ("無心快語" by 蔡國權)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jm3MUAbbGWQ ("忍痛說謊" by 甄妮 MV男主角是任達華)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kc7kC1JksM&feature=related ("抱きしめてジルバ" by 西城秀樹)
8. Lyrics:
I feel so unsure,
As I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor.
As the music dies...
Something in your eyes,
Calls to mind a silver screen,
And all its sad goodbyes.
I'm never gonna dance again,
Guilty feet have got no rhythm.
Though it's easy to pretend,
I know you're not a fool.
I should have known better than to cheat a friend,
And waste this chance that I'd been given.
So I'm never gonna dance again,
The way I danced with you.
ooh ooh
Time can never mend,
The careless whisper of a good friend.
To the heart and mind,
Ignorance is kind
There's no comfort in the truth,
Pain is the all you'll find.
I'm never gonna dance again,
Guilty feet have got no rhythm.
Though it's easy to pretend,
I know you're not a fool.
I should have known better than to cheat a friend,
And waste this chance that I'd been given.
So I'm never gonna dance again,
The way I danced with you.
Tonight the music seems so loud,
I wish that we could lose this crowd.
Maybe it's better this way,
We'd hurt each other with the things we want to say.
We could have been so good together,
We could have lived this dance forever...
But now, who's gonna dance with me?
Please stay.
And I'm never gonna dance again,
Guilty feet have got no rhythm.
Though it's easy to pretend,
I know you're not a fool.
I should have known better than to cheat a friend,
And waste this chance that I'd been given.
So I'm never gonna dance again,
The way I danced with you.
ooh ooh
Now that you're gone...
Now that you're gone...
Now that you're gone...
Was what I did so wrong?
So wrong that you had to leave me alone?