Song Title : With Or Without You
Artist : U2 (Irish Band)
From The Album : The Joshua Tree (1987)
Released : 21 March 1987
Format : 7" vinyl, 12" vinyl, cassette, CD
Recorded : Danesmoate in Dublin, Ireland, 1986
Genre : Rock
Length : 4:53
Label : Island
Producer : Brian Eno, Daniel Lanois
1. 這大概是我最喜歡的10首英文歌之一!而U2更是我最喜歡的Band,擁有他們所有Original Album CD,一切也由這首歌開始!
"The Joshua Tree" Album Cover
4. "With or Without You"在我心中一直長青,不同時間聽也聽出不同的味道!歌名也感受到那種dilemma,與我長期處於的狀態與心情不謀而合,正如主音Bono所說,就是兩者(任何兩種沒法並存的東西)之間所產生的tension define了我!
"The Joshua Tree" Album inlay
5. 一般的理解,這是首悲情歌!歌詞最深刻的當然是那句: "I can't live with or without you",就是那種難以解釋的狀態,甚至有些人是沒法領會又或是不曾領會的一種心情!我也不花太多唇舌去講了,領會過的自然就明白!我只能簡單的具體舉個例:有些人你很渴望與他一起,不過真正在一起時,你又不感到特別開心,甚至有壓力,不過當他不在身邊,你又極渴望與他再一起,結果成為一種衝不破的循環,而你就是活在那種兩難的tension中!就如另一句我很喜歡的歌詞: "Nothing to win and nothing left to lose", 表達的也是同一種心情吧!
6. 不過,Bono說過這歌的創作源頭是因為當時他感到家庭事業兩難存,因為長年累月的錄音/宣傳及各地的tour令他physically不能在家,所以有感而發!而另一句頗impress的歌詞是: "and you give yourself away", 大概是說把自己完全暴露於人前又或是付出了整個自己,這卻是不能自己的,令人產生一種很強烈的無奈感!
7. 不得不提的是此歌的編曲,近乎完美!由很沉的base開始,已能帶出那種心情,而Bono低沈的聲線也極有感染力,據說此歌突破了他以往的唱法,也擴大了他可能的音域,而副歌愈見激昂,像一種淒美的控訴,編曲也愈見複雜!末段Bono聲嘶力竭的叫喊,音樂也是最豐富也最強烈,是整首歌的高潮位,也見證了Band Sound的力量與震撼心靈的感染力!結尾又是另一絕,可說是我聽了咁耐歌其中一隻印象最深的ending,一般歌fade out時音樂就開始簡化,不過此歌當到了你感到要fade out的時候,音樂卻忽然再豐富起來,增強了intensity,然後才真正的fade out,令人有一種似末還有的空虛遊離感!
8. 原來Bono創作了此歌後,由於在編曲方面總是未盡完美,曾經想過放棄此歌,幾經波折,經過各隊員的反覆嘗試,終於給他們找到了適合的編曲,結果還把此歌作為"The Joshua Tree"大碟的第一隻single,U2的音樂也從此得到發揚光大,最起碼是多了我這個一直追隨的fans!!!
9. "With or Without You" Lyrics:
See the stone set in your eyes
See the thorn twist in your side
I wait for you
Sleight of hand and twist of fate
On a bed of nails she makes me wait
And I wait without you
With or without you
With or without you
Through the storm we reach the shore
You give it all but I want more
And I'm waiting for you
With or without you
With or without you
I can't live
With or without you
And you give yourself away
And you give yourself away
And you give
And you give
And you give yourself away
My hands are tied
My body bruised, she's got me with
Nothing to win and
Nothing left to lose
And you give yourself away
And you give yourself away
And you give
And you give
And you give yourself away
With or without you
With or without you
I can't live
With or without you
With or without you
With or without you
I can't live
With or without you
With or without you
"We'll shine like stars in the summer night/ We'll shine like stars in the winter light/ One heart, one hope, one love"
U2 (1987)

U2 (2010)
10. (Music Video) (Live Performance 2001)
(希望各女讀者千萬要一看此Live, 我覺得每個女孩也希望是台上女主角!躺著唱難於發聲,我會原諒Bono唱得失準!有說Bono每次揀台下女觀眾(是,一定是女觀眾)一定是靚女,我覺得一點問題也沒有,這樣才不虛偽,我也不會為了討好其他觀眾,勉強令人感覺人人機會均等!我不認識她,就只有與她台上的幾分鐘,當然是揀自己喜歡的!)
"Romeo & Juliet" Soundtrack Album Cover
雖不是任何人、樂隊的歌迷,在我僅有的認識,U2 當然係經典。不知道此曲的現場表演如斯正斗,同Bono碌地沙喎,好介紹!
回覆刪除更經典的是永遠的"Romeo & Juliet",戲中兩主角絕對後無來者!你喜歡女主角嗎?
回覆刪除"Romeo & Juliet"女主當然喜歡,我記得看此戲係好細個的事,當時已覺得她靚得很,同埋最記得係露台偷會那場戲!同意她演的Juliet是後無來者!不過,反而男主角相對來說印象不太深,可能那時我的心思也落在女主角身上吧!原來她現在已59歲了!
Bono 今日是大慈善家,上台領獎爆粗,fcc想罰電視台錢,遭上訴法院推翻,fcc仍要再上訴。係Bono呀,有人會介意嗎?!天下廣管局一樣蠢!
我也不知有這回事!官僚就會咁,仲要應酬D complainants, 沒法子!
仲有,我寫時先知道原來配樂師Nino Rota是Fellini電影的御用配樂,還有經典的Godfather配樂也是他的作品,不過他已去世!
回覆刪除竟然在"Toy Story 3"中看到那場露台場,好邪!竟然係佢地做主角,笑死!
回覆刪除Yes, that's the old time memories, when i was young and listened a lot to the radio .... (commercials!).
回覆刪除Oh, it's nino rota? i didn't know that . Something like what you said, we mostly started early with American stuff, then realised that European is the true master. that's the influence of Hollywood, i guess.
oh, i must see Toy Story 3 soon. everybody loves it, it seems.
我仿似聽到妳在唱Carpenters的"Yesterday Once More", one of my all time favourites!!!
回覆刪除Maybe I am not "everybody"! I can't say I love it but it's still a good movie!
我好似無睇Bolt! 關於Toy Story 3, 我似乎沒有你們般體會咁深,也許真的受心情影響,難以投入那種開心的氣氛!
I don't know really but I think now a bit better!
回覆刪除Thx so much! 我都話自己電腦白痴!
我係會發脾氣, 不過好少發, 發親就好顛!
回覆刪除oh, i've been out of touch for this little while and you two (U2!)were talking .... Well, i took 2 days off, had listened to 'Joshua Tree' twice, lied on the beach at Shek O for a day,and got a new pair of lens. But, regrettably, yet to find time to watch TS3, but i will.
回覆刪除whatsmore, i've also watched the dvd of 'angel heart', thanks to U 2's recommendation. Jack, you're so right, how come i would miss the film at that time? Alan Parker is an expert in motivating mood & atmosphere (audience and the film alike). the sex and violence, and the sense of fear must have been unprecedented for people like me, if i were able to see the film in 1987 (wow, 1987!!). Molly, i don't think Pearl would have kept those scenes. the most memorable part, and the most terrible, too, is the long polished fingernails of robert deniro! Freaky!
Pardon my laziness to go back to 'Inception' page, i slept thro almost 1/2 the film for reasons mentioned by Molly. Too much chasing and gun fights la, and there are 5 (or 4) levels tim ar. Agreed that the film was too 'well' structured, meaning not enough imaginations, 唔夠癲囉!
ps. jack, get a life at Shek O, you won't regret it. life could be beautiful, sometimes.
Molly, your suggestions are all great:
回覆刪除please post everything for i am living in a cave these days, missing a lot.
i can lend you 'angel heart', and look forward to seeing you guys soon. : )
ps. 香港沙灘妙齡三點式美女其多,八九十后人材(身材呀!)仔仔,阿 jack 萬勿錯過呵!
回覆刪除Molly, 那麼妳真的要看Angel Heart原裝版,電視版絕對會剪到九彩,破壞套戲最正的地方!
回覆刪除妳是否第一次聽整隻"The Joshua Tree"呀,會否因為我讚得太勁反而會失望呢?
Ha, 妳1987真的miss了很多東西,除了Angel Heart仲有The Joshua Tree!
Angel Heart看完好似個故事unsettled,與看完後帶著的心情是一樣的!太厲害!我好多年無再睇過,睇翻我相信仲係會驚!
我對 Joshua Tree 沒有失望,只感覺自己早年太懵懂,竟會對 U2 如此水過鴨背 (my sister should have got the cassette tape then),又對 Angel Heart 混然不知,我的1987,自己知自己事,慘然。
回覆刪除至於近況,跟往日也無甚差別,只因到沙灘遇上陽光美好,春色無限,心為之開罷了。(thanks to Joshua Tree, too. and HMV has these big DVD sale. $35 @ ya.)
anyway, 幾時有 mood ,想做乜野,順其自然啦。