
You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger("遇上陌生情人") ----- Life is ridiculous especially those happy one!

Film : You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger (USA) (2010)
Directed by Woody Allen
Written by Woody Allen
Narrated by Zak Orth
Starring Antonio Banderas/ Josh Brolin/ Anthony Hopkins/ Gemma Jones/ Freida Pinto/ Lucy Punch/ Naomi Watts
Duration : 98 mins

1. Theme就是"illusions are better than medicines",也關於blind faith!

2. 這戲基本上其實是有四pair故事,也可以是更多!

3. 只有one hit wonder的作家,他一直相信自己能寫出另一部好作品,可惜一直未能如願,也一早已放棄了從醫,沒有回頭餘地,要面對妻子與她母親的無形壓力,面對生活,我也頗能理解他的心情!婚外情總算是個無可避免的出路!

4. 而妻子的婚外情同樣也能理解,從前欣賞丈夫的才華,當所謂的才華沒法變成事業,生活卻是要面對的,對著一個如此盲目相信自己才華的丈夫,婚外情當然也就是出路,加上對著一個如此charming的上司!

5. 妻子父母離婚,父親臨老入花叢,相信自己魅力仍在,也是另一種blind faith吧!

6. 妻子母親對未來失去希望,盲目相信占卜師的話,也相信前世來生,卻給她帶來前所未有的安慰!

7. 各故事沒有solid end,更有點不了了之的感覺,只有最盲目最不合常理的人才得到幸福,也就是想說人營營役役一生到頭來不知所為何事,找緊一點安慰,管它理性不理性,不過只有真正盲目的人才做到,稍微有點動搖,一切會即時幻滅!

8. 飾演作家婚外情的對象是"Slumdog Millionaire"的女主角,她似乎變得更美,也許因為臉兒削了的關係!飾演妻子的Naomi Watts一向是我喜歡的演員,向上司表白的那場戲很正,Antonio Banderas的回應也是一流!

9. 看Woody Allen的戲大概是一年一度的事,說故事形式還是不變,碟碟不休的對白與幽默的諷刺!不過,看完又很快忘掉,沒法深深印入腦中!
片的Opening用了"When You Wish Upon A Star"

10. Official Trailer : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLLbzJC_mp4

2 則留言:

  1. yes, meeting woody allen is like an annual non-spectacular. it's like an old but getting not so interesting friend you keep seeing year on year, until you totally get sick of it i guess.

    but i would say this one is much better than 'whatever works'. the scenes are shorter, and so are the dialogs. the cast is great, except anthony hopkins, who's too unbelievable to be that dumb. naomi watts is my favourite and her acting adds depth to the story. josh brolin works wonder in the dysfunctioning husband role from top to toe. good acting saves the plot, which is less than 'old wine in old bottle'. London as the background is a plus, too. i don't recall the indian beauty is the slumdog girl. she's gorgeous.

    after all, it's the Shakespearean quote, wrapping the beginning and end that intrigues me. so cliche, but so well put. 'Life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury ... signifying nothing'. How true, when you're so unsatisfied with your life.

  2. 妳說的比喻很好,我突然想有甚麼朋友是給我這種感覺的,原來真的有,現在真的已疏遠了很多!可能是...沒有經過曖昧期的友誼,是更難去維繫吧,也許這只是apply在我身上^_^!

    其實我也認不出slumdog girl,只覺得她臉熟,後來看資料才知道!

    "How true, when you're so unsatisfied with your life."實在可圈可點!不知會否是我最終的結論!

    今天得知Naomi Watts及Sean Penn有套新戲叫"Fair Game",頗有興趣去看!
