Directed by Francis Lawrence
Screenplay by Richard LaGravenese
Based on Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
Starring Reese Witherspoon/ Robert Pattinson/ Christoph Waltz
Music by James Newton Howard
Duration: 122 mins
1. 戲本來的吸引力不大,不過trailer尚算引起我想看的興致!我諗主要是cast不吸引,Twilight的Robert Pattinson雖然很多女生為他傾倒,說他又cool又型又靚仔的大有人在,不過說真的我就不太覺,當然年代不同,審美眼光也會不同,有時我是跟不上的!話說回頭,Kate Moss的煙剷吸毒兼頹廢feel我又非常受落,覺得她型到爆!正所謂各花入各眼,說得一點也沒錯!
2. 基本上男女主角的姊弟戀feel沒有太大火花,說服力不足!
4. 戲的主題應是低薪員工如何單挑無良僱主,是全片火花所在!
5. 員工夠pop,僱主夠顛!員工夠膽死纏上僱主老婆,僱主為了減人手及唔出糧居然掉員工落火車!
6. 演技最出眾非Christoph Waltz莫屬,是一大驚喜,佢演又喪又無良的僱主真係入晒肉,你真的會怕了他!竟然又有人唔識死夠膽頂撞他已夠好看!其實之前他在"Inglourious Basterds"中已是演技懾人!
9. Everything is an illusion, nothing real. Everyone plays tricks!
10. A train leading him to his destiny. Where is my train and where can I find my courage to jump on it???
11. Official Trailer: