
Talk To Me ----- Stevie Nicks........多年後仍深受感動!

Single Title : Talk To Me
Artist: Stevie Nicks
From the Album: Rock A Little
Released: 1985
Genre: Rock/Pop
Writer: Chas Sandford

1. 想起Fleetwood Mac,便想起Stevie Nicks,第一首會想起她唱的歌必定是"Talk To Me"!

2. 這是她其中一隻最受歡迎的歌,在1985年出版!記得當時我一聽便喜歡,12 inch Single及黑膠大碟也有買!
大碟"Rock A Little"封面

3. 雖然這歌不是她寫的,不過她絕對唱得有感染力,那種澎湃令當時還小的我深受感動,我相信沒人唱得比她好,而且她的聲音非常獨特,一聽便能認出,不會與任何一個歌手混淆,她的音域也很廣!原來此歌只在studio錄了兩個take就完成!

4. 歌詞我也很喜歡,我希望可以對自己喜歡的人及朋友說出這句話,如果喜歡的人如此用心的對我說,我也一定相當感動呢!不知要如何說出來才可以得到歌曲所帶給我的相同震撼呢?

5. 雖然這絕對是個人看法,我還是覺得80s的歌是最好聽的,不論是中文,英文甚至日文歌也是!

6. 由於Stevie Nicks是Fleetwood Mac的其中一個vocalist,想略提這隊傳奇樂隊,他們沒有非常固定的班底,隊員常有改變,不過肯定的是沒有Stevie Nicks的Fleetwood Mac,根本就不是Fleetwood Mac!
Fleetwood Mac 1977年班底

7. Fleetwood Mac於70s大紅,因為他們於1977年出了經典大碟"Rumours",這大碟製作其間各隊員同時經歷了各自的感情關口,婚姻破裂,婚外情,Nicks與另一隊員Buckingham的感情問題,最壞的時期成就了最好的作品,"Rumours"結果成了經典,直至今時今日,此碟仍備受推崇!也許這就是音樂(或藝術)最神奇的地方!

8. "Rumours"大碟結果至今在美國賣了1900萬張,全球4000萬張!也許讀者對這些數字不敏感,不清楚代表甚麼,我只能說這種銷量告訴你這是音樂史上最好賣的十張唱片之一!多本國際權威音樂雜誌也視此碟為70s其中一張最重要的Album!!! 當然,最重要是音樂本身!而我於80s第一次接觸他們就是聽此碟中的"Go Your Own Way", 簡單的歌詞,不過好"到" : Loving you isn't the right thing to do ! How can I ever change things that I feel?.........."!!!
重組後於1997出的Live Album"The Dance", Fleetwood重做那個經典post!

9. 由於Stevie Nicks的形象及衣著,一直有個傳聞她其實是個女巫,直至一個1998年的訪問中她才正式否認,她回應說: "I have no idea what precipitated those rumors..........I am not a witch. Get a life!"

10. "Talk To Me" Lyrics:

I can see we're thinkin' bout the same things
And I can see your expression when the phone rings
We both know there's something happening here
Well, there's no sense in dancing round the subject
A wound gets worse when it's treated with neglect
Don't turn around there's nothing here to fear

You can talk to me
Talk to me
You can talk to me
You can set your secrets free, baby

Dusty words lying under carpets
Seldom heard well must you keep your secrets
Locked inside hidden safe(deep) from view
Well, is it all that hard
Is it all that tough
Well, i've shown you all my cards now isn't that enough
You can hide your hurt
But, there's something you can do

You can talk to me
You can talk to me when're down now
You can talk to me talk to me
I can set your secrets free, baby
La, la, la, la

Though we lay face to face and cheek to cheek
Our voices stray from the common ground where they
Could meet
The walls run high, to veil a swelling tear
Oh, let the walls burn down, set your secrets free
You can break their bounds, cause you're safe with me
You can lose your doubt, cause you'll find no danger
Not here

You can talk to me
Talk to me when you're down now
You can talk to me
You can set your secrets free, baby

Oh, I can see you running i can see you running
I can see you running all the way back home
I can see your expression when the phone rings
And i can see that you're thinkin' bout the same things
Is it all that hard
Is it all that tough
Well, you've taken all there is now baby
Isn't that enough
Well, i can see you runnin' i can see you runnin'
All the way back

11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZHJxP7EsNQ ("Talk To Me" MV)

12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIG5Y7FcV8Q  ("Talk To Me" Live 1986)
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GN2kpBoFs4&feature=related  ("Go Your Own Way" Live 1977, 編曲及演繹比唱片還精彩!)
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ho0AOqK0aWI&feature=related ("Go Your Own Way" Live 2004)

