
"A Serious Man" ("非常戇男離奇失婚") ------ 一齣我未能完全理解的戲!

Film : A Serious Man (2009) (USA)
Directed by Joel Coen/ Ethan Coen
Written by Ethan Coen/ Joel Coen
Starring Michael Stuhlbarg/ Richard Kind/ Sari Wagner Lennick/ Fred Melamed/ Aaron Wolff
Music by Carter Burwell
Duration : 106mins

1. 吸引力當然是在於是Coen兄弟的作品("Blood Simple"/"Fargo"/"No Country for Old Man"/"Burn After Reading" ),佢地真係講得上是鬼才導演,每次都拍不同的題材,而且個idea絕對非一般,D橋完全唔大路,figure唔到佢地個腦點運作!

2. 這片涉及很多東西題材,包括宗教,咀咒,邏輯,宇宙或然率,家庭問題,毒品,惡運不斷,道德,perception,不過我有太多東西看不明!

3. Opening的intro故事拍得相當吸引,不過又是想不到其真正含意,和戲之後所發生的事有何聯繫,只感到與猶太人的思想及故事有關!

4. Ending來得比他們之前任何一齣戲突然,真的有點摸不著頭腦,在這個位完又是代表了甚麼?!代表了那些惡運就是不會完的.........不過如果你懂得換個角度看事情,你便可欣然接受一切,就如戲的開頭那句子正點出了主題嗎?

5. 你愈是刻意尋求答案愈是找不到,這世界就是充滿著解決不了的疑團,一些所謂的啟示也未必可以引領你到一個新的方向,可能只是一種巧合,你唯一可以做的便是接受這世界就是這樣!很喜歡那個牙醫的故事,好吊詭!停車場的比喻都很正,最正是當自己是遊客,周圍的事物就會再變得新奇!

6. 那對賄賂主角的韓裔父子的邏輯真係一絕!

7. 也許如果我對猶太人及60s的美國社會有更多了解可能有助我明白片中的其他含意!

8. 片中用了很多Jefferson Airplane(60s出名的Band,不過我不太熟)的歌,而片中主角個仔便常聽著他們,他去見猶太教祭司時,祭司也說了"Somebody To Love"其中一句歌詞: " When the truth is found to be lies, and all the joy within you dies,(don't you want somebody to love)",也許正點出片子其中一個想表達的東西!

9. 有無人可以話俾我聽對這戲有甚麼看法及體會?!

p.s. 這齣可算是何謂黑色喜劇的示範作!

5 則留言:

  1. 1.yes, i feel totally uncomfortable/odd/baffled after watching the film. got no clue about it, but still deeply affected by it. could we say the film is still very impactful?!
    2. a very well made and technically perfect film,from beginning to end, the style and control of characters and situations are immaculate. the coen bros are as cool as ever.
    3.Jewish culture is a crucial element, i think. the film is very critical towards it. the rabbis are neither kind nor intelligent. actually, they seem stupid and phony. no matter how cynical woody allen is, he is never that harsh on jewish culture. the coens are jews? i am not sure. the car park story is the height of the ridicule.
    4.some review says that the bad happenings to the male lead is like Job in the Book of Job in the bible. a good man suffers out of no just reasons. May be this man commits the crime of 'being a serious man', and he keeps saying he did nothing, nothing at all. but then misfortunes fall upon him. 'did nothing' is no excuse, in the eyes of the god of anger.
    5.捉到個mood覺得好過癮(就算) may be an end. so, jack, don't get serious. relax! and go see the next film.
    6.right, the korean father and son is totally, unbelievably funny.

  2. 我真係唔識陸詩韻,好似聽都未聽過!馬賽就係因為果時參賽話佢似桂綸鎂所以知,不過其實我唔認得佢!徐子珊就係因為睇過"跟蹤"才知有這個人,睇果時仲以為係新人,勁鍾意戲中嘅佢,雖然之後不斷有人同我講好彩我無見過電視劇中嘅佢,見過就一定唔會鍾意云云!唔知係我好彩定係佢好彩啦!

  3. 資料說Coen Bros是Jewish! 而戲中故事發生的地點正是他們的出生地,而他們的父親也是一名Professor!

    有說戲opening的夫婦也許是主角的祖先,而那個詛咒是一代傳一代吧!也許猶太人一直也是受到詛咒,而愈是優秀的族群愈是會受到迫害,原因是fear, maybe even the God!


    看Coen Bros的片確是個很好的看戲experience,其實我一直好少當看戲是娛樂,我會當是experience,to experience what I cannot experience in my damn real life! 體驗是別人陪不來的,除非那刻我當它是娛樂或節目,又或是遇到志同道合的人,亦可能是陪人(通常是我喜歡的人或關心的人)! 這大概是我喜歡一個人看戲的原因!

  4. 戲從來都是一個人睇嘅。我仍然喜歡去戲院。

  5. agree! 看戲仍然喜歡去戲院,在大銀幕看完全是另一回事!在家看我都要儲心情,家裡好多DVD,不過卻好耐都唔會靜靜看一齣戲,總是配合不到時間+心情!100%不會在電腦看戲!
